
rhubarb tart

This weekend:

 - Baked said rhubarb tart and it is delicious!

- Jesse baked two more loaves of bread in between a variety of other things.

- Helped out with a friend's ballet schools' dance performance and it was wonderful!

- Looked at a few apartments (moving may be on our horizon...wahh wahhh.... getting priced out of our neighborhood and gentrification stinks). Boston housing is INSANE right now, everywhere is so expensive and I think it's only going to get worse. No, I'm not stressed about this...promise.

- Almost finished So Long and Thanks For All the Fish Audio Book. I've listened to this so many times and it's still just as funny.

- We are considering....canceling our internet at home!  Does anyone else not have internet at home?  I think it would be amazing.