
I'm so exhausted right now that the best I can offer you is this wonderful diptych featuring Yoda and David Tenant.

These past 3 weeks have been the most exhilarating, difficult, and at the same time most wonderful experiences that I have had. I am in the midst of getting ready for my first trade show starting on Friday (Designers and Agents to be exact, but more on that shortly) and at the same time trying to sending off a big wholesale order. If you have ever been done theater, I would compare it to the highs and lows you experience before opening night. Things can stink because you aren't sleeping well and you feel like it will never turn out perfect, but somehow no matter how tired you feel somehow really good things come of it - maybe ones you weren't expecting. Life has a big learning curve for sure, but I'm glad I've decided to stick with it no matter how hard it has felt at times because I know something really great could come out of it in the end. But for now I'm going to go chillax on the couch and catch up on Capaldi's new version of the Doctor because I can't think of a better way to spend the next hour before I collapse and fall asleep :)