These two pieces from Pip-Squeak Chapeau are the only things that I haven't been able to shake from my head this winter. I think the dress may have even appeared in my dream last night - that's when I know I'm obsessed with something. (This has always been true with me).
As you might have noticed I've not been keeping up on here as much as usual! In truth I've been running around doing so many things I've barely spent time on the computer. In fact I really should be sewing right now but wanted to stop in and say hi. One exciting thing that's happened is I now have some pouches for sale at Aviary in Jamaica Plain, which is literally around the corner from my house. It's a cute gallery, you should stop in and check it out sometime! I also just sent more totes to Steven Alan in Brooklyn and the one in Venice, CA. Now I just have to catch up on orders from over the holidays...