My focus has been all over the place lately as I get ready to embark upon some exciting work changes! I would share more, except I think it might be best to wait another few weeks - pictures would do it better justice than my rambling words could. (Sorry if that's vague and cryptic!) In the meantime things will probably be a bit quiet around here. I'll be closing the shop for about a week towards the end of April, and probably opening it up again sometime in the beginning of May. I'm going to have one small little shop update later today with a few new large pouches, I'll update this post once that has happened.
This past weekend was one of the best I've had in a while - for once, it seems, nothing went wrong! We drove around the north shore on Sunday, and then spent all day Monday learning how to join wood with our new Kreg jig. Now I'm really excited about all the possibilities for making desks and tables tops.