And, we're back! Gone for almost two weeks and it felt amazing. The weather difference hit me hard as we landed: we were welcomed by snow and sleet. Personally I preferred the 60s, so time will only tell if I'm really a New Englander at heart. The warm weather got me excited for spring - so excited that that while in CA, it seemed appropriate to purchase a coral/pimento colored hoodie and white jeans - and a few uniqlo linen shirts that were on sale for good measure. I keep hoping I'll reach a point where I have the perfect 5 shirts, 4 pants, and 3 shoes and 1 bag - but then the next season comes around and you see something else you love and well we all know how that goes. Speaking of which, Myth and Symbol has some really great new pieces in - some good Steven Alan tops and dresses and a few Building Block Bags. I love the green on that first shirt.
I haven't started to go through the pictures we took during the trip - hopefully I'll get to that over the weekend. In the meantime I'm going to be catching up on all the orders that were placed while I was away. Funny how things always get busy while you're gone!