My buddy Hannah and I just did the most awesome trade ever! We had started emailing back in the winter time, and throughout our notes, we kept scheming up a perfect trade, which seemed to keep growing in size each time we talked about it! First it was going to be a dress for a bag, and well as you can see I ended up getting three dresses, and they are beeea-uu-tiful! My favorite (but how really can you pick a favorite?) is the first one, a combination of the juniper dress and the scallop dress- the fabric is a this soft natural colored cotton, followed by my other two favorites, the juniper dress and balletomane dress. Hannah's stitch work is really amazing, I love how the bias tape looks so good on the inside, even though I'm the only one who will see it! I think it's tiny little details like that that make for a really great piece. Really, I could gush all day about how sweet these are. I feel so lucky to have such a cool pal!
And, because I couldn't help it and because this picture is just too darn cute not to put up here, here is Hannah with one of her bags:

I think I'm going to make it my computer backdrop, for serious. It makes me want to start a hug your bag blog!