We randomly stumbled across the Franklin Fountain on our first night there, and had a very amazing root beer float - the vanilla was probably the best I've ever had.

In the entry way to the Academy of Natural Sciences - Jesse next to a picture of rhino and a nifty display.

I realize I kind of slipped out of town without saying a word - but I think that's how August is - full of small little vacations. Or maybe just one, so I don't know what I'm taking about. Anyways, last Thursday we took the train down to Philly and just got back late last night. We did so much crazy cool stuff I'm not sure I even remember everything! Some highlights were, though not limited to, going to the Philadelphia Museum of Art, the Eastern State Penitentiary (really wanted to see this for a long time), the Academy of Natural Sciences, Reading Terminal (probably my favorite thing in the city), the Franklin Fountain, and the Fabric Workshop and Museum.
However, those are only the awesome places - not the mention the awesome people we got to see. We saw Jesse's family and some of his old highschool friends which was great - it turned out one of Jesse's friends he hasn't seen in a long time is in a jazz funk band and we went to see them play. And, if things couldn't get even more awesome, they did because I also got to hang out with Megan most of the day on Saturday and ate vegetarian dim sum and walked around and went into some cool shops. On Sunday we went to some more museums and then had a tasty dinner with Jenya and her family - I got to meet her daughter Eva who is adorable and so sweet. After that we walked around a bit and got ice cream. I think this summer I have been eating ice cream at least twice a day, no joke.
Oh and if you're wondering why I wrote "I pretzel heart philly", there was a cute canvas tote bag I saw there that said the normal "I heart philly" but the heart was a pretzel, which I liked. Sadly I didn't buy it or take a picture of it but I thought it was cute. And I didn't really need another bag.