from 2008, way back when.
For the first time in three years this is the first time I've ever felt the foreboding that comes with thinking I have to go back to school. Of course, I don't have to go back to school, but this is the first time I've missed it or wished I had something like that coming up. While there were parts of school I over all didn't like, in some ways I miss the dependable structure it offered. Since I've been in this mindset of thinking "I need to got back to school soon", August was a less productive month than it should have been - in short, I was making the best of those last weeks of summer. As a result my fall projects probably won't appear for at least a few more weeks, maybe even a month. But, the good news is I'm pretty excited about some of the things I'm working on - my mind has kind of been in limbo about designing lately - but I think finally I'm getting somewhere and have a fresh palette to work off of. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed by fashion, but then when I look back at the things I'm actually interested in as topics - it's a lot more inspiring to work.
I also have a few exciting things coming up - first being I'm going to take a small metals/ jewlery casting class, and it starts next week! I did all kinds of small metal work in school but for some reason they never taught us casting and so I'm glad I'm going to get a chance to do it now. The class is once a week and we will get time on the weekends to use the studio, hurrah! I've already done a few sketches of ideas, I hope to be able to make them!
The second thing that's coming up - and much closer than I realized, is the Jamaica Plain Open studios which I will be doing this year! It's on September 25 & 26th, just a few weekends away. When it gets closer I'll give more information about the location and the things I'll have there. If you are in the neighborhood, please stop by!