Hey guys! I hope you all had a Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah (though that was a while ago), etc., etc., and will have a happy new year this upcoming weekend! We got snowed in over the past few days, along with the rest of the east coast, and I have to say it's a great feeling to have so much snow outside, I guess I'm a true New Englander at heart. Love this kind of weather. Things have been quiet on here for the past week or so, I know, but I hope to have some more posts up here shortly. Between family visiting, various illnesses (I seem to be a never ending walking medical problem, it's like I'm a hypochondriac but I'm not), lots of knitting, and ornament making, I've just been enjoying taking a little break from the computer.
I also want to say thanks so much for all your comments, emails, notes, orders, and such over the past month, I really appreciate your support, kindness, and generosity. And I'm sorry if it's taking me forever to get back to you, I will soon! Wow, I'm really over-doing my comma usage here.
It's been a while since the last giveaway, no? So, two lucky folks will get a small pochette in the color of their choosing! Just leave a comment here with your email address & a wish you have for yourself or your family/friends in the new year and I will pick someone on January 2nd. Good luck and happy days!