Spent most of the weekend knitting, undoing, and then re-knitting swatches - and teaching myself new increasing and decreasing methods. Sometimes when I'm reading a pattern I don't really like the inc/dec that they've chosen to use and I always mean to look into figuring out other ones. (Like the mittens I knit below - using the normal bar increase, as at the time I was too lazy to figure another one out!)
Ever since I saw Elly knit her own version of this sweater I've been really wanting to give it a try. After I finish the other three projects I'm working on right now I'm finally going to give it a go. That's why figuring out all the little details now is so helpful - makes for less work later!
Also, in catching up on all my blog reading this weekend, I found this post about knitwear, which I thought was really interesting and right on.