I think if I just had to pick one favorite leather it would be this black horsehide. I really can't get enough of it - the texture, the feel, and the weight are all perfect. Available in three sizes in my shop. (The mini 4" size has a new zipper toggle style!)
I've been feeling a bit confused about where to find a "selling niche" lately. Sometimes I put things in my Etsy shop, sometimes in my Big Cartel shop - I bet this can be a bit confusing, and maybe even a bit annoying if you want to buy something from each but can't check out at the same time. I'm in the process of having my website re-designed (which I'm totally dragging my foot on - sorry about that, you know who you are :p) and hopefully when that is done I'll be able to build a shop right on that site and it will all be more streamlined. How do you prefer to shop? Off Etsy? Directly off a designers website? Big Cartel? It's tricky to figure it all out. I'd think three years after I started all this I'd have better grasp on everything, but some days I feel like I'm right back in square one!