We saw so much in the city itself it's hard to cover it all! The night we arrived we walked around everywhere and ended up down by the water a few times only to find the only way back up to the top of the city was to climb up a huge set of stairs - Jesse counted and it was a total of eighteen flights - suffice it to say my legs were very sore the next day. I've never been to a city with so many hills - except perhaps San Francisco. Luckily all the walking was quite handy in burning off all the pastry calories.
Some high lights were : Seeing the Ballet Russes exhibit at Fine Art museum, the Rome exhibit at the Museum of Civilization, The Ursuline Convent Museum, riding the Funicular, walking around the city walls and the Plains of Abramham, the architecture, cobble stone streets, Palliard (a pastry shop, not pictured), and the Dufferin Terrace. We also had a few good macaroons along the way.