Good morning. Things have been quiet around here the past week. We had a nice holiday weekend and got to do some hiking and kayaking - I seem to be on a bit of an outdoors kick lately, but knowing me, we'll see how long that lasts.
Our new couch was delivered yesterday, and we spent last night assembling it. We decided to go with the Kivik sofa & chaise after all. We haven't quite got it in the right place in our living room yet (not enough time to reshuffle everything yet) but it already feels so much homier to have a real couch.
Also, just a quick note, I'm behind on my emails. I'm sorry if I've haven't gotten back to you yet - there have been some things that have put work on the back burner, but hopefully in the next week or so things will be back on track. Maybe it's just me, but then again, isn't there something about fall that makes you want to hibernate inside with a cup of tea, knitting, and a good book? Speaking of books, does anyone have any goods books they've read recently? I seem to get stuck in a rut and read lots of historical fiction, but would like to branch out!