It's hard to find the perfect pair of sandals, isn't it? Well, I finally did after years of searching! Actually, I found them a while ago at the shop I used to work at, but at the time couldn't justify the purchase. I figured if I was still thinking about them 6 years later it was probably a good idea to get them. I special ordered the natural tan color from Cydwoq, the style is called Bare. When I tried them years ago I was a true size 7, and the 37 fit perfectly. I figured my feet have grown a little so the 37.5 would be a better bet. In truth I probably should have stuck with the 37's as the 37.5's are a little big, but I figure a little extra wiggle room is okay - so I guess, when in between sizes, size down. The foot bed is nice because it's made out of really thick and sturdy Veggie Tan leather, and has good arch support. After writing this I realize this might sound like an ad, but these sandals are really amazing! And this is the part where I say "I highly recommend them!".