

cheddar scallion jalapeƱo scones

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I baked and cooked all day today! It was so fun, I should do it more often. I keep thinking I'd get into it as a weekend hobby and today I finally did. This morning I made these scones and they turned out really, really good and I don't mind saying so. (Follow the link for the recipe). We altered the recipe just a little bit and put some jalapeƱos in with the dough along with making the butter to go on the side. I remember the first time I learned that cold cubed butter was the secret to pasty flakiness: a definite life changer. The dough got really sticky after I added the scallions at the end, so it's good to add a little more flour before you roll out the dough.

 The afternoon was concluded by making some pickled red onions and some mustardy brussel sprouts. Lots of salty things, but I'm totally okay with that.