Welcome to the parlor. The parlor is on the first floor of the house. We don't go in there that often because it has an aura of seriousness to it. Original furniture, old things, you name it, it's there. (Though I have to say it very much needs a new paint job.) The room has a lot of light in it, with windows in the back of the house (overlooking one courtyard) and the front of the house. A lovely place to play the piano... don't you want to have tea a biscuits in here?
Before I moved into a larger room in my house, I worked and had my Juki set up in the library. It was a really fun place to be, but now being in my room helps me concentrate and get down to business more. Still, you will find many of us cooling off here in the summer. The room is pretty big, and has so many chairs, and as you can see, so many old books! Their is also a "map" chest with many drawers, filled with blue prints of the house and all sorts of odd random stuff. When the house became a co-op in the 1950's, the family here before left many things, like furniture, prints, and even family photographs. Both the library and the parlor are the two large main public rooms in the house, beautiful and quaint. Luckily I've been able to avoid showing you our messy bits so far! I've uploaded a tiny piano video to flickr for the fun of it, I don't have the sheet music in front of me, but I thought it would be nice to hear the first 40 seconds of comptine d'un autre été (after 40 seconds I run away embarrassed). Yes, the sound quality is pretty poor. You could learn how to play this song, and the parts are broken down really well.
On other fronts, sorry I've been kind of quiet this week, I've been very busy working, and should have a 4-6 new bags to post for you either this weekend or Monday. Two of these will be a new style, a clutch (no straps) that has a magnetic clasp, quite similar to the thisbe messenger, but smaller with a rounded bottom. I've had a few requests for a leather clutch over the past couple months, so I'm pretty excited about it. One of them is a lemon yellow (the last of this leather, just enough to make this) and the other is a butterscotch lambskin. It will be a nice under $100 bag, which should make them a bit more affordable. Okay, Bye!
p.s. I've known one of these women since I was five years old. I'm so impressed by the music she is now making, which is inspired by the Balkans & and Appalachia. I think they will be touring in Europe soon...