I'm working on a new bag, the fitzgerald tote bag. I drafted and finished the first one yesterday. At first I thought I would make the cross body strap attach with rivets, but then i tried just tying the strap on, and I really really liked how it looked. It reminded me a lot of a little bag I made about a year ago. I hope it doesn't come across as a "I'm to lazy to properly attach the strap" look, but I think this way it looks like it has bunny ears or something, which I'm kind of fond of. I also should have attached the d-rings a bit lower so the top could fold over more, but that's why it's the first one - it doesn't have to be perfect. Speaking of d-rings, I sewed them on top of the side seam of the bag, which is different from what I usually do, sewing it into the seam of the bag. I'm still not sure what I like better, I think I actually like this less, even though you would think it would be more sturdy, I think it's less sturdy. Anyways, just my mind flitting back and forth in the decision making process...

Also, I just added two new market totes to the etsy shop, one in metallic silver and one in ice blue, both nice and summery! The ice blue is really really soft and supple, let me tell you. This is really nice cowhide, one of the nicer hides I've seen. Actually, I really love all leather, so you probably shouldn't listen to me!
We're leaving for a small trip to new york this weekend, saturday through monday, so all items purchased in this time won't ship out until tuesday. Looking forward to seeing my friend I haven't seen since we graduated, going to the japanese bookstore, and checking out this sale, and the most awesome thing, riding the train there! Have a nice weekend!