I have been corresponding a little with a fellow sewer named Mary Lou. She first emailed me asking about any tips I might have for containing the noise that an industrial machine might make - especially for any neighbors below who may not wish to here it. And oh man can I relate to that (but more in my previous home). Today she emailed me a blog post she did about my shop, and I love what she said about her machine, I think it hits the nail on the head:
J'ai correspondu avec elle pour essayer de comprendre comment elle faisait pour travailler chez elle avec sa Juki walking foot (comme la mienne). Je croyais qu'elle aurait peut-être eu un truc magique pour ne pas déranger les voisins. Il faut comprendre que une machine industrielle, c'est à peu près comme avoir son propre petit tracteur de ferme dans un appart... ça complique les relations d'étage à étage et comme il se trouve que l'étage du dessous s'appelle "je suis ta propriétaire" ben je marche sur des tonnes d'oeufs la!!!
(I corresponded with her to try to understand better how to use my Juki walking foot machine at home. I thought she would have some magical tips on how to not disturb the neighbors. Please understand having an industrial machine is like having a small farm tractor in your home...It complicates the relationship with floor to floor and especially when the floor below is your landlord - it's like walking on eggshells!!! ) Well, or at least that's my best translation with some dictionary help.
It's always good to know that you aren't alone out there, and that these problems are universal!!!