I took a break yesterday and part of today to work on my first Tova shirt. I was at the fabric store picking up some felt for lining reinforcement (more on that later!) and half had my eye on the look out for any fabric I thought might be good to sew a shirt with. (And plus it's hard not to get distracted when you're at the fabric store. Usually I'm on a "strictly work related shopping trip" or else I end up buying more fabric than I need). Just as I was about to leave I found this soft red and grey plaid. I also picked up a similar fabric in a green and navy color. Both fabrics are slightly seersucker, a weave I usually associate with summer weight fabrics, but I think in this case it makes it cozy and just right for winter. (Note to self: iron seersucker fabrics really really / extra well before cutting them out...whoops.)
I wasn't sure whether to make the small or extra small, so I went with the small and the size seems just right. I never know what size I am these days, and I swear to god I think I'm growing too. Is that possible you can grow in you mid-twenties? My weight has stayed pretty constant but things that fit me in the shoulders last year are a little snug now, and even some of my shoes are a little tight! This specifically came to my attention when I (5'2") was standing next to my Mom (5'8") a month ago and realized I could almost look her in the eye! WTF? We then promptly measured my height and low and behold I was 5'4"! Anyways, this isn't supposed to be about me growing, it's supposed to be about sewing this top, which was very fun!

And, on another crafty note, I bought this grey mock turtleneck sweater at the goodwill last week. My hopes was to make my own humanoid sweater by cutting off the neck and cutting it like a cardigan down the center. The sweater was already slightly shrunken and had a felted look to it (kind of like the humanoid sweaters) so I turned it inside out and exposed the hemline and there you go! Yay for saving $170 dollars. And the funny thing about it all is literally one hour after I completed this little project, my long lusted after for reals striped sweater popped up on laws of general economy. I saw right away that Joyce had posted it and I emailed her...and she awesomely suggested we do a trade! Right on! Now I have one real one, and one fake one, and I still managed to not spend a penny. I swear I'm almost done being sweater crazy for the season...