Finally I finished the whale I had been working on in my casting class. Initially I had aimed to do carvings over the all over the little guy, but I kept messing it up and in the end just left him mostly blank. I made a silicone mold in hopes to make some multiples, but so far I'm not too good at injecting the mold successfully!

I ended up also casting the brown wax prototype - it got messed up though because the metal didn't get poured into the plaster quick enough.

My Tova top pattern came in the mail this past week. I can't wait to make my first shirt, if time ever allows for it! Things have just been so busy lately.

Anabela kindly sent me one of her totes. I love it! I really liked her idea of capturing meaningful & potent lyrics and printing them. I had never heard Running Up That Hill before but now it's been on replay for the past few days!

The coat came! It is awesome and I love it so much I even want to wear it inside! The fabric is much different than I expected and has such an interesting texture I'm not even sure how to describe it or what I would call it.
Hope you all have a nice weekend - it's gorgeous here today and look forward to spending the rest of the day outside!