March has, without a doubt, probably been the most insane month of my life. First things first, our trip to New York was great and I'm glad we went. We arrived on Thursday and just got back this evening. Friday was spent dilated in the doctors most of the day, and was then followed by a phone call from our upstairs neighbors / landlord that our apartment had been broken into. Can I just say, WTF? This seemed to set our trip off to a bit of a rocky start and needless to say we found it a bit tricky to get back up on our feet again. It just seemed like one thing after another. Luckily not much was stolen and nothing was vandalized but it still has left a bitter taste in my mouth given that it happened in the middle of broad daylight on a Friday morning. I've always been a very safe and cautious person but it still makes me have a weird feeling in my stomach thinking - what if I had been home working like any other day? Do I need to start keeping a baseball bat in the closet?

But, back to our trip. Our hotel was awesome, although somewhat oddly located in the middle of the financial district. But I'll take what I can get with a good priceline deal. Saturday and Sunday we walked around a lot - we went and saw Highline Park (which Kristien had recommended) and loved it! I'm so glad we got to see it - Jesse and I are big fans of anything train/industrial/old world travel related so this was a real treat to check out - so much so I couldn't believe I hadn't heard about it before! We also got to eat at Tomoe, which a few of your had suggested, and it was delicious!

Saturday night we had dinner at a great Japanese soba noodle restaurant with one my besties from days of old - great conversation and lots of catching up and lots of eating. It's so nice to still have strong connections with people I've known for a long time.

Shopping - I told myself it was okay to do some of this because things had been rough lately. At first I told myself I really didn't need to get anything. I soon learned otherwise after a few trips to both Muji locations and somehow picked up two dresses - both navy - a bundle of socks, two shirts for Jesse, and some bits and bobs. I ended up making my way (for the first time) to check out the Meat Packing district and going to Martin Margiela to try on the tabi flats. They are amazing - a little less sturdy than I imagined (similar to the weight of repettos), but still amazing. They didn't have my size thank goodness, but I tried on the 38's and they were probably about a half size too big - I'm a 7/7.5 and I probably need the 37.5. Still, this was good information to acquire for future reference. And of course I loved how all the employees were wearing lab coats - though I'm not sure Jesse knew what to make of it. Zero + Maria Cornejo was right next store so I popped in there too and really enjoyed seeing some of the pieces in person. If I was rich I would buy those clothes in a heart beat - the fabric and construction is really impeccable. Walking out of both stores I felt really inspired and couldn't wait to get home and get back to my machines.
I ate three donuts from Dean and Deluca's and now have a major food baby. Good thing I don't live there. I've decided I'm now going spend all my money on food instead of clothes.

I wickedly badly wanted this outfit from Isabel Marant. I probably would have gotten the shirt but the fit in the arms was a bit weird - kind of short and tight, but the fabric was amazing. The shorts were pretty sweet too.
I usually don't write in a monologue like this - hope you didn't mind. I'll try to take some pictures of my loot in the next few days (lots of fabric too - major score!) And the knitting project I finished along the way. Over and out! Clearly I'm too sleepy to be writing right now.