Good thing for Lady Gaga because if I didn't have her I don't think I would have made it through sewing all of these! Making up for a months worth of lost work time takes longer than I thought it would, and gosh I almost forgot what a semi-stocked shop looks like. I also seem to be on a red, white, and blue kick. Hopefully this is not in the fourth of July/America kind of way, or in that weird almost gothic-hot topic kind of way. Hopefully it's cooler than that, cooler than America and hot topic. Okay, I'm dorking out on you.
So, pouches are now available in four sizes in the shop! Five inch (which you know well already), four inch, eight inch, and twelve inch! In the end I decided to leave the toggle to just the two larger sizes because I thought it overwhelmed the smaller ones, so that's that. (But if you want one added to your smaller one, I'm happy to do that! Just let me know).
I want to tell a funny story. Last summer when the ipad came out my Mom and Dad said "Jule, you've got to make an ipad zipper pouch! They are going to be the new hit thing!" I refused because I hated 1. the name ipad because I'm immature 2. the idea behind the ipad 3. all the advertising for the ipad. So a year later I'm making a large pouch that can fit an ipad. Mom and Dad were right, you have to move along with the times!
And with that said, yes, there are a ton of people out there now making pouches both large and small. I've been doing it since I opened my shop 3-ish years ago (though my new "large" size is new), and these are just my own versions of that idea. I can think of about twenty designers doing the same thing, and I for one am thrilled that there so many people are focusing on simplicity as a foundation for their designs! I can remember just two years ago I couldn't find a bag without bling all over it. Thank heavens things are a changing!